Welcome to the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) Case and Penalty Assessment Conference (PAC) Search and Filing webpage. The webpage allows you to search OAH records to locate both open and closed cases and PACs, as well as provides instructions for electronic filing.
This page will allow you to search for a case or a PAC by:
The case search page defaults to search both open and closed cases. The search function may be changed to search only open or closed cases at the top of the search screen. The search can also be limited to searching for only cases or PACs. Only cases open as of May 1, 2019, or thereafter, are available at this time. OAH is continually updating the database to include previously filed Final Orders.
Once you locate a case you will obtain the following information:
1. General Case Information – Case Name, Case Number, Filing Date, Next Conference Date, Formal Hearing Date, Hearing Officer, Non-Compliance Number, Permit Number and Cessation Order, if applicable.
2. Party Information – Name and address of each party or representative in the matter.
3. Docket – Complete up to date docket with a link to a readable PDF for all documents and a MP3 file for all audio recordings of conferences or hearings.
4. Penalties/Invoices – Penalties Assessed with Amount Assessed, Type of Penalty, Amount Due, if applicable.
This page also provides you with an email link to electronically file a petition or any other pleading in an existing case. Currently, OAH waives the regulatory requirement to file original documents when filings are emailed and filed electronically with OAH. If parties wish to send an original the same will be accepted although not required. Please note that all documents filed by electronic mail must be submitted in a Portable Document Format (PDF). If the document was not sent in a PDF format, it will not be accepted for filing by OAH.
The document received by OAH via electronic mail, if received in proper form, will be stamped as “filed” according to the time and date placed on the electronic mail pleading as received by the OAH computer and shall be filed in the record upon retrieval from the OAH computer. If OAH’s electronic mail server fails, the document shall be stamped as of the date actually received by OAH per 400 KAR 1:090 Section 3(1)(b)(2). In accordance with 400 KAR 1:090 Section 3(1)(c), the original pleading, if filed, shall be file stamped on the date actually received by OAH. The effective date of filing shall be the earlier date of the receipt in OAH of either the electronic mail or the original.
Please note that all electronic filings must be sent to the OAH email address. OAH will not accept filings sent directly to a hearing officer or any other employee.
If you have any technical difficulties with this webpage, please contact OAH at 502-564-7312. Please note that this webpage is not the official record of any case or penalty assessment proceeding filed at OAH. The official file is kept electronically at OAH located at 211 Sower Blvd. Frankfort, KY 40601. Please see the Disclaimer on Energy and Environment Cabinet’s website for more information.