
The information found in eSearch is for informational purposes only and is updated on a regular basis from our production system(s). While the agency makes reasonable efforts to maintain the data accurately and in a timely manner, eSearch is not a legal substitute for the official administrative files of the agency and will from time to time contain information that is not as complete as the information contained in the full administrative file of the agency. Additionally, typographical errors may occur in the transcription of written or typed information into the database; therefore, care should be taken to confirm the information in the database with information in the agency's administrative files. If any conflict exists between information contained in eSearch and the official administrative files of the agency, the official administrative files of the agency shall be considered the official record. The agency has not made all documents and all data (collected or generated) available on eSearch; therefore some programs will contain no information in this database. To obtain records contained in the official administrative files and perform a more complete search, please submit an open records request to the Public Records Branch at EEC.KORA@ky.gov.